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Gabriela Joseph is our exploratory collaboration. Our common space that highlights our on-going collaboration. Our goal is to continue pursuing the exploration of different media, product, scales, and to collaborate with others alike along the way.

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It started in 2016 and it began as a postcards collection featuring Heritage houses of Beirut. After the Beirut Port explosions on August 4th 2020, these heritage houses got really affected and were at risk of demolition. On August 9th, Joseph and I went back to these houses and took a series of comparison pictures with the postcards in hand, in front of the facades. We were not expecting the impact that this had (the exposure and awareness of the dire situation).


This follow-up project got great exposure on social media and multiple worldwide media platforms reached out afterward to conduct interviews about Bouyout Beirut. You can find related articles over different media outlets like: BBC Culture, L’orient le Jour, The Daily Star, TV3 Catalonia.


You can purchase the postcards in Beirut, at the Sursok Museum, the National Museum of Beirut, L'Artisan du Liban, Antoine Library, and The Sage Parlour.

Click here for more info about our story.

follow us @bouyoutbeirut



Joseph's personal website showcases selected work for his Photography and Filmmaking projects.


follow us @jokhourystudio



This is a project that aims discovering the city though a new perspective. By letting others favorite memories guide you on a journey of unearthing and reflection.

A reflection experience. A moment to water your own grass (opposing the popular: "the grass is greener on the other side"). A moment to reflect. To express gratitude. To dwell. To discover. To connect with yourself while (re)discovering the city.

prototype's website



While back home, we started a project about the heritage houses in Lebanon which gained national and international exposure. Now that we have moved to Belgium, it is important for Joseph as a photographer and storyteller to keep challenging his creativity. Since he did his internship with Stadgent and the Coghentbox, he wanted to highlight the heritage images from Gent. This led him to create the project "Vroeger en Nu," where he took old images from the Collectie van de Gentenaar and went to the same places where the pictures were taken to reproduce them. He also finds it interesting to reproduce older images as a way to preserve the memory of the ever-changing city!

work in progress

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This is our latest on-going project, our Podcast!


Who we are?

Gabriela and Joseph, husband and wife. Partners.


Why are we doing it?

- We want to learn from what we have done

- We want to motivate ourselves to keep going

- We want to make sure that we keep exploring how to find “our thing”


What is this podcast about?

About our experiences, divided into different topics. It is just to share our point of view. What has happened to us, how we lived it, how we plan the future. There is no formula and we are not focusing on “success” or "failure”, just the whole story.


How did we think about doing this podcast?

We want to look within. It’s true that there’s much inspiration out there, but we feel it’s time to start with us. Stop scrolling and start doing more!


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"Celebrate with us"

Our line of handmade products is proudly designed and produced in Beirut, Lebanon since 2015. 


Leaving out the "middleman" and working directly with small producers to create quality and memorable souvenirs. See here our products.

follow us @papelon_

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